Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cubicle - A dull place to work!

I really cant appreciate the "cubicle" culture in the work environment. Though you get your own space but restricts your interaction with other memebers of the team. I also feel like the overall productivity of a developer or, for that matter, any professional in a cubicle is worse than when he/she works in an environment without being enclosed in a small space surrounded by four walls.

My previous office had a nice work environment. it was like a big hall with 5 people working there with enough space for each and wide empty area in the middle. The interaction within the members was very effective and the productivity of each employee was amazing.

Why would anyone need privacy in the office??


At 1:03 AM, Blogger Balachandran C said...

I would need !! I really appreciate cubicle culture :P

I hate being some1 sees my monitor.. thanks to my laptop, i bend my LCD as much so that even I could see it hardly !!!


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