Sunday, July 30, 2006


This is not abt the MyEclipse that offers plugins and tools for J2EE development in Eclipse platform. I am talking abt the Eclipse model of Mitsubishi. Yes, its abt car.

When I decided to buy a car, buyin a second hand car was ruled out outright. After lots of analysis, the list boiled down to Ford Mustang, Mazda 3 and Mitsubishi Eclipse. As you can see, Mazda3 is the odd man out. I included it in the list because it had a nice engine for a lower price. But the standard features of the car includes just the engine and the body. After adding the "optional features" (even A/C is in that list), the price matched that of the other 2 cars in my list. So first one to go off the list is Mazda3. Now between Mustang and Eclipse.

The first thing that bothered me abt Mustang is that its from Ford, an American company. Ford is making huges losses recently and the only profit making model is the Mustang. It has nice engine (210hp) but V6. It consumes lot of gas. And its a muscle car. Because of V6 engine and the rugged body, have to eliminate this car frm my list.

Eclipse GS 2006/2007 model is the mitsubishi's newly revamped model frm 2000 model. It has a nice engine (I4 & 165hp) and body is slick. The car is gender independent. Only thing that distinguishes from being a girl's pet is the color of the car. So I chose black color. The acceleration is amazing. I think it reaches 60mph in less than 9 sec. I got the car yday and I was driving the car the whole night yday. And the car is a real head-turner. I am completely satisfied with Eclipse till now :-)

Now that I got my car, I can be independent now!!


At 4:51 AM, Blogger Balachandran C said...

Nice to know ... Happy driving !

At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kalakku machi! I will also join the "new car owner" club soon...


At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sotta, sollave illa, congratus da, i know driving car is definently gives you new dimension as a person.. keep it up

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orre Java thoughts! Even in your car selection you could no stop thinking of JAVA. God only has to save u :) Just Kidding..So howz ur new Job?


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